
Welcome to the blog for "Feminism and Funeral Potatoes," a podcast dedicated to discussing LDS fiction and culture along with a healthy side of snark.

Madie and Kate began FFP in February of 2015. They are devout members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as well as devout feminists. They love the church and powerful women, along with breakfast food and reading books.

The first book Kate & Madie reviewed is entitled The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress, which can be purchased on Amazon here. The second, which Madie and Kaitlyn began (but never finished, because finals came and Madie is hella flaky), called The Bishop's Wife, can be found here.

Thanks for stopping by! As always, send any questions, comments, or concerns to femfunpodcast@gmail.com and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possibleor whenever Madie's extensive reading load gets a little lighter.

The Best of "Potatoes" (according to ourselves & iTunes)

Episode No. 15 | The Pill & the Patriarchy

This episode comes right in the middle of The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress. Birth control is an interesting topic in relation to third wave feminism—here's our take on the matter and how it fits in with our current Mormon culture.

Episode No. 22 | The Third Deathly Hallow (a.k.a. invisibility)

This episode discusses the first chapter of The Bishop's Wife. We've got our takes on LDS church callings, the priesthood, and the changing role of women in the church—because we like to cover as many controversial topics as we can in an hour.

Episode No. 33 | So Long, My Friends (For Now)

And that's a wrap (for now). This is Kate's final episode, and we talk about our views on God & feminism, as well as our feelings of how our project evolved over the past year.

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